Election meeting 2024
The agile Finland election meeting will be held at Reaktor, Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki on Wednesday 27.11.2023. Please sign up for the meeting. You are warmly invited!
Connecting, Learning and Leading: Serving on the Board of Agile Finland
Serving on the board of Agile Finland is a valuable opportunity to contribute to Finland’s Agile community, learn new things, and connect with agile professionals. Sari Alander and Pascal Papathemelis share their experiences on board work.

Agile Tampere 2024: A Summit for Learning and Networking
This event is bringing together professionals and enthusiasts of agile methodologies. It presents a unique opportunity to learn, network with top industry experts, and try out new work methods in practice.

General meeting 22.4.2024
Agile Finland General meeting will be held on Monday 22nd April. // Agile Finland ry:n vuosikokous 2024 pidetään Gofore Oyj:n tiloissa Helsingissä maanantaina 22. huhtikuuta.
ScanAgile is back 6-7 March 2024!
ScanAgile is a great place to learn and meet agile-minded people. This year we have four outstanding keynotes, 40 different talks and workshops together in three different tracks: Product leadership, Technical Agility and Beyond Agile.