General meeting 22.4.2024
Agile Finland General meeting will be held on Monday 22nd April. // Agile Finland ry:n vuosikokous 2024 pidetään Gofore Oyj:n tiloissa Helsingissä maanantaina 22. huhtikuuta.
ScanAgile is back 6-7 March 2024!
ScanAgile is a great place to learn and meet agile-minded people. This year we have four outstanding keynotes, 40 different talks and workshops together in three different tracks: Product leadership, Technical Agility and Beyond Agile.
Board of 2024 Chosen
The Agile Finland Election meeting for was held in conjucntion with the Coaching Circle on the 20th of November at the Sofigate office in Espoo. 9 members participated on site and 3 online. The…
Election meeting 2023
The agile Finland election meeting will be held at Sofigate, Technopolis Innopoli 1, Tekniikantie 12, Espoo on Monday 20.11.2023. The meeting starts at 17:30, so please be on time! Sign up for the…
Agile coaching circle events continue in Helsinki
The events are normally held on the 3rd Monday of every month, but may vary based on holidays and other Agile events.